Flip the flash cards to learn more!
Be careful what you tell.
Be careful who you tell.
Be careful where you go.
Be aware that you may
come across some
wrong things online.
Feeling Good:
Trust your feeling.
If it feels uncomfortable,
it is not right.
Take action by blocking
and reporting.
During the Digital for Life Festival 2023, we are partnering with Prof.Edson Tandoc Jr. from NTU Wee Kim Wee School of Communications to showcase 2 digital tools!Try them out here!
"Collaborating with KidsPlaySafer has allowed us to bring meaningful learning experiences to our students at Spright Academy. Backed by a strong team led by Sandra, KidsPlaySafer is a key partner that we look forward to future projects and initiatives." - Ms Wee, Manager, SG Cares Volunteer Centers, AMKFSC Community Services
"‘Thanks for organising the workshop today. Isaiah has learnt a lot of useful info! He will also be joining KidsPlaySafer as student trainer soon!’" - Parent of our participant, Meng Chee