We are a non-profit, #techforgood program called "Kids Teach Kids" led by students.
In 2023, we launched Gaming Guardians, a tailor-made online safety program specially
for the little ones (under 10 years old). We are now dialing up content for Secondary
and Youth. Join us as we work together to keep kids safe playing online.
Why volunteer? Share your years of gained wisdom and savvy know-hows with younger
ones. You can help them with practical tips on how to play safely and help them level up their gaming experience.
Your participation can also help bridge parents' understanding of a child's gaming motivations.
You may also earn extra VIA hours (*pending approval by your school) by doing good!
Join us as a Trainer by filling up the form above and be alerted to our upcoming workshops and
volunteer training sessions!
Julian Sean Bala
Kenneth Yeo from ACS
Oliver from SJI